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Must-Reads for shaheen
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Highlight of the day
Uber's Privacy Scandal Is a Failure of Culture
Isabelle Roughol on LinkedIn
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Why I Won't Accept Your Linkedin Invitation
Michael O'Donnell
I get about five or six requests to connect with people on Linkedin every day. I consider each and every request in the spirit I...
How to Lose a Great Employee in 10 Ways
Paul Morris
If you're a good (or even just halfway decent) manager or leader then you probably already know most of this, but it is...
Thanks for not buying popcorn from my son
Trey Tompkins
If you declined my son's offer to buy popcorn from his Cub Scout Pack yesterday, I owe you one. I'm serious.I spent yesterday...
Here's Why Your Best Employees Keep Leaving
Natalie Tarpinian
How does your business compare to others when it comes to employee retention? Generally speaking, the numbers paint a rather...
Here's Why Good Employees Quit
Mary Davids
Anne Fisher, contributor to CNNMoney wrote a great article, "To keep employees loyal, try asking what they want"...
Naked is the only way to make it (Kim Kardashian)
Amanda Rose
Big vote of thanks to Kim Kardashian, who this week finally cemented her lesson to women of the world about how all this time we...
What Successful Managers NEVER Do In Public
Bernard Marr
One of your employees shows up unprepared for an important meeting. A couple of people are continually chit chatting instead of...
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