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Must-Reads for shaheen
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Highlight of the day
You Only Live Once: Do It Warren Buffett's Way
John Taft on LinkedIn
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Why I Became An Entrepreneur
Sheila Waples
I've been thinking about a lot of things lately: Ferguson, being a female entrepreneur, etc. I've thought about why I decided to...
6 Things To Figure Out When You Hit 6-Figures
Jullien Gordon
Are you caught in the overpaid trap? The overpaid trap happens when your employer pays you more than you think you're really...
The Rarely Discussed Trait That Made Steve Jobs So Successful
Shane Snow
One of my biggest pet peeves is when a pessimist says, "I'm not a pessimist. I'm a realist." Truthfully, most of us think we're...
Can Software End War?
David Keyes
Recently, I sat through an accelerator demo day presentation and was intrigued by the work being done by a company called remesh....
5 Simple Exercises to Break your Patterns
Gijs van Wulfen
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most...
The Qualities That Make Great Bosses Unforgettable
Jeff Haden
I remember all of my bosses. Some were bad. Most were good. But only one was, in the best possible way, truly memorable....
How To Diversify Your Life
James Altucher
One time I wanted to sell my company to HBO. The CFO was looking at the numbers. They were willing to buy it for a tiny amount...
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