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Teradata Corporation, the data analytic solutions company, has entered into an agreement with Telenor Pakistan to expand its Teradata Enterprise Data Warehouse, said a press statement.
A Teradata customer since 2005, Telenor Pakistan has used the Teradata Enterprise Data Warehouse to its competitive advantage as it was fifth to enter the market and is now the second-largest mobile operator in Pakistan.
Telenor Pakistan made the strategic decision to operate with a better view of its business by analyzing data to gain a 360-degree view of customers and to share that information across the enterprise. Since then, the company has grown to over 28 million subscribers, with a 24 percent share of the market.
The expanded Teradata Enterprise Data Warehouse will help the company better understand the market and unleash new opportunities for competitive advantage and growth, statement added. In particular, it will help the company maximize its return on investment by providing unique views of subscribers and revenue


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