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14:33 | Posted in , ,
It appears that collection is becoming a hard job at WiMAX operators.
Just as an example, Qubee is offering its customers a chance to win iPad, web cam and wireless mouse by just paying their bills in February 2012.
After paying the bill, customers will get registered into a lucky draw through which prizes will be announced and will be posted on Qubee’s website and on Qubee’s Facebook page.
Qubee said that all customers who pay their bills in February, i.e. from Feb 3rd to Feb 29th 2012 will be eligible for draw.
Upon winning, Qubee customers will be able to collect their prizes from selected Qubee stores after confirmation.
Qubee said it is a limited time offer.
In a related news, Qubee website is being revamped.


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