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COMSATS Internet Services (CIS) in partnership with Directorate of Special Education & Social Welfare concluded a 6-week web design training course to a group of 25 visually impaired students at National Library and Research Center (NLRC), Islamabad.
The training was conducted from January 2nd, 2012 to February 10th, 2012 at the library by Manager Software of CIS, Mr. Abid Rizvi.
The training covered many web design topics including HTML, CSS, page layouts, Notepad as editor, Dreamweaver, Firebug, domain registration & hosting, and website update and maintenance.
The 6-week training was concluded by a certificate distribution ceremony at NLRC where Director General Special Education & Social Welfare, Mr. Syed Mustafain Kazmi was the chief guest.
Other guests included Mr. Asim Shahryar Husain, CEO, COMSATS Internet Services, and Ms. Munazza Gilani, Manager, Sightsavers Pakistan.
On the occasion CEO CIS highlighted that mission of COMSATS is to use technology for social benefit through programs such as telehealth and training and it is a proud moment for COMSATS that it has trained these visually impaired students to be able to design websites sitting at home.


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